A honlap a "Bércsomagoláshoz kapcsolódó gépbeszerzés"
című GOP 2.1.1-09/A projekt
keretében készült el.

4700 Mátészalka, Ipari u. 2.

Közreműködő szervezet:
MAG - Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ Zrt.

A projekt az Európai Unió támogatásával,
az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap
Társfinanszírozásával valósul meg

Látogató számláló

Látogatások száma:27934
Címlap English

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The Islipo Ltd. Has decided in 1996 to deliver preservative products made from the specific taste-harmony fruits and vegetables of the terroir of south Nyírség and Szatmár to the most demanding parts of the global market. It has dedicated to do this in a way that they enrich the pleasure and functionality of the products with advanced technology and innovative procedures at the Mátészalka production facility.
The essence of the company’s marketing strategy is to meet the needs’s of domestic and foreign customer groups that have a special sensitivity to unique, high value added products. It sells real milk chocolate-coated fruit based chips and various dried fruits on the word market. Other market strategic intent is to adapt to the healthy diet. The physiologically beneficial products play an increasingly important role in customer consumption habits. Dried fruits fit into the concept of healthy lifestyle. The company’s main export markets are Sweden, Germany and Italy.


The Islipo Ltd. Has decided in 1996 to deliver preservative products made from the specific taste-harmony fruits and vegetables of the terroir of south Nyírség and Szatmár to the most demanding parts of the global market. It has dedicated to do this in a way that they enrich the pleasure and functionality of the products with advanced technology and innovative procedures at the Mátészalka production facility.

The essence of the company’s marketing strategy is to meet the needs’s of domestic and foreign customer groups that have a special sensitivity to unique, high value added products. It sells real milk chocolate-coated fruit based chips and various dried fruits on the word market. Other market strategic intent is to adapt to the healthy diet. The physiologically beneficial products play an increasingly important role in customer consumption habits. Dried fruits fit into the concept of healthy lifestyle. The company’s main export markets are Sweden, Germany and Italy.